Friday, July 23, 2010


sadly, I have nothing cool to report.....The most exciting thing that Rob and I have done in the past month is ordering fushigi balls off the interwebs due to our massive boredom. We have not recived them yet, but are eagerly awaiting their arrival like a kid waiting for the decoder ring at the bottom of the cereal box.
Summer school will be over next week and I will have 3 weeks off, and I have been told by the parentals that I have to unpack the last 6 boxes from my move into the condo. All the boxes contain "childish" things like sailor moon dolls and kid's toys. Mom forbade me to display such items in my new condo because I am an "adult". so if I am suposed to unpack them, yet can't desplay them.....what do I do with them? How do I make this woman happy? I am at a loss.
So the parents will be heading out your way to Utah on sunday, day after tomorrow. Natalia will watch their house and take care of the cat, since my parrot is a 2 year old with flock behavior and can't be left alone, and Rob can't be left alone cuz all he can cook is rice. I can't bring the bird to my parent's house cuz the cats will just tourture him. So Natalia is way more cat savy than I am. I tend to forget that they are around unless they are meowing and junk. So I would expect my parents to show up around Monday late or Tuesday early.
Anyway, we still haven't bothered even planning a wedding or even a date, we just say Octoberish 20011ish. I am pretty much inclide to just hit up a courthouse and get it done with, no fru fru dress, no going in debt planning anything,no having to scout out some location, no drama or headache.....sounds perfect to me. Although I would love a huge halloween costume party shindig.....dangit! what do I do? lol