Tuesday, April 14, 2009

My kidz.:)

Everyone seems to get to post pictures of their extreemly adorable children on their blogs. I only seem to get to post pictures of my many vict.....dates or my friends and I having a bunch of crazy fun. Yeah I know, it's fun to see, but I kinda feel left out of the whole kid thing (not that I want one please don't send me any) I mean I do want one, just already potty trained and old enough to live in another state. Don't get me wrong, I love kids, or I wouldn't teach, but I do happen to enjoy the fact that I put them on a bus and send them away after 6 hours. It's nice. Anyway so i took pictures of my Kidz to share. Enjoy or be repulsed which ever.:)
This is Bella she is about 7 years old. She is in the second grade and enjoys burring herself in the sand, eating crickets and baby mice and pooping in human's hands.
This is Sydney he is bella's clutch mate so he is her brother. He is the same age and same grade, He enjoys playing dead to freek me out, eating salad and wax worms, posing infront of a mirrior and puffing up, bobbing his head and sitting on your sholder. He also loves to bask in his heat lamp and sleep in odd positions.
Sydney about to enjoy his dinner of baby mouse. yes it's alive. It's free discovery channel.

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