Saturday, October 31, 2009


the sushi we made.

a black kitten that walked into the house.....yeahhh

we are sooo spooky

this is my house....keeping the sign up to make sure the girl scouts don"t come by.
So we left the door open for the trick or treaters and a little back kitten walked in. oodly enough Rob (mail order boyfriend) and I were just discussing getting a dog. The kittahs must have some net work system and know I am a sucker because it is currently in the back yard after finishing my last can of tuna and my good bath towel and cute basket is out there for it too. I don't like kittahs. But it's haloween and and a black cat showed may be fate, but he was eye ballin the bird sooo...yeahhh figures.


One Crazy Family said...

Loved the little shot in the sushi picture of your beautiful countertops.

You guys are truly scary, did you get any kids willing to come to your door for candy?

Hope you had a Happy Halloween!

The black sheep A.K.A Pandora said...

we had a 2 year old tiny cheerleader who we didn't even faze...guess we wernt as scary as we though. LOL