Sunday, October 4, 2009

And I'm in the condo....

Okay so we began moving on saturday....the hottest day of the year so far, yeah I sooo was not popular because of that! lol. It took about 2 days to get it all moved in, and I am still not 100% unpacked, but at least 88% done. Today Rob (mail oder guy) got the internet up and running as well as putting a wire-less router on my lap top, so I can actually be on the computer, paint my toe nails and watch t.v all at once! I feel so spoiled. Next Rob will put an anti virus thingy on my lap top. It's so nice to have someone computer savy around.

Auntie Elaine sent me a congrats on my new home card! so cute, has a picture of a little house on it with glitter, so I pinned it onto my cork bord so when I have a house warming everyone can see it! Auntie also sent me a gift card for home depot, and it was perfect timing! I have to get 2 new bathroom fixtures pluse a patio light fixture, so we all went to home depot and I got all of them in one shot! Rob installed them and they look great! Thank you Auntie!!!!!I have a few pics to put up, but not too many so far, because I'm still trying to get settled and work at the same time. But my new address and phone number is as follows: 34572 bluestone common, Fremont c.a. 945555. Phone: (510) 574-0427.
Rigo and Nahuel painting the shutters that hide my washer and dryer.
Seeee I totally used my new stve top! top raman in style!!!!
Rigo behind the fridge trying to fix it, or hiding from my mother, not sure which, all I know is he found the best spot to avoid her!
tired from unpacking!


One Crazy Family said...

Congrats on the new place
it is great that you are all moved in and getting settled. The pictures look good and we are glad you are out of the hood!

The black sheep A.K.A Pandora said...

awww thanks guys! so far only a million problems with the phone lines and plumbing, but it's in a safe spot!!! lol