Saturday, March 6, 2010

Spirit week at work

So this week was spirit week at the school I work at. Usually I don't participate because it requires us to wear various goofy things and I usually have some other place to go after work but I managed to do a few things. Monday was wear your school t-shirt day...I missed that mainly because I got a really cute dress over the weekend and wanted to wear that instead. Tuesday was crazy hat day....I missed that regardless of the fact that I happen to have an over abundance of dorky hats that would have worked just fine. Wednesday was Dr. Suess day so we were supposed to wear something striped....yeah big girls don't usually have striped clothing, it adds pounds. Thursday was crazy hair day...that I did, I own several nut ball wigs, if you open my closet you would think that I rob banks and have a ton of drag queen friends. I wore a wig and scared one of my students to the point he wouldn't even sit next to me....i should wear it more often. Friday was pajama day....I wore what I slept in, it's light blue jammie pants with polka-dots and a solid navy blue t-shirt. I had to gas up before work so I stopped by the gas station to fill up, as I was filling up, a lady came to me and asked me about a mole on her lower back...apparently my pajamas look like nurse's scrubs. I saw her butt crack. Never again will I do pajama day at school. Any way, I am on facebook and if you guys wanna find me, I tend to be on that more so than the e blogger I am under the user name Alison pandora or go by my e-mail

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