Wednesday, December 24, 2008

uuuuggghhh x-mas eve

sorry guys, I have been so lazy and boring lately. Nothing too exciting has been going on. Friday was our last day of school/work till Jan 5th. I need the break. I wanted to sleep in, but so far I haven't had the chance. Between my doctors appointments, hair appointments, Mom's eye surgery, various parties and celebrations including birthdays I have had a non-stop week. I don't even have kids to chase after! I'm super tired. I ended up getting the flu shot yesterday at my doctor's appointment. I never had one before, usually they have a shortage and say kids and seniors first and my age range misses out, but this year I guess there was enough to go around. So My doctor knows what i do for a living encouraged me to get it. I'm not affraid of shots or getting my blood drawn, after 9 or 10 tattoos you tend to loose your fear of needles, but I'm affraid of what I hear about the shot. I heard that most people get sick when they get the shot so I asked my doctor if I would get sick. She promised me I would not get sick, but would have a sore arm for a few days. I belived her and she shot me. I woke up feeling like poo today. If I didn't like my doctor so much, I would poke her in the eye, but I have the chills and I feel weak. And to top it off, my sholder still hurts and it's got a lump in it. I just don't want to be sick on x-mas vacation. Since I started this job 9 years ago, I have managed to be sick every single x-mas break. If it wasn't the flu it was a cold or tonsilitis or strep throat. Last new years I spent the count down passed out in my bath tub in ice water trying to bring down a fever. So I 'am hoping that it's all in my head this year, and I'm really fine. LOL. I still have several fuctions to attend and a date with a father of five next week. So I kinda need to be at the top of my a game. I can't let a guy actually catch me cuz then I loose the thrill of the capture and release program I started when I became a cougar. I'm already getting rusty at it, this guy is actually 35! A whole 3 years older than me! and employed and stuff. It's just a date, so I should be okay, as long as he doesn't bust out pictures of his five little ones to try to win me over. I tend to fall for the kids and ignore they guy, thats why I like em young....I can have both. LOL

Mom and dad are doing fine, Mom had eye surgery to get rid of some glacoma. It's cool, they shoot her in the eyes with a lazer, the whole process takes like 5 mins, the waiting room takes two hours. Then she has to put drops in her eyes and junk, but she's totally fine. Dad Made mom a laundry line to dry the clothes with out the dryer. I thought it was a cool idea since they are trying to save money, till I tried to wear a pair of extreemly cold and stiff undies, now I'm not so sure, I like fabric softener. Also it's been raining on and off, so now we hang up the laundry and go for coffee and it begins to rain and we have to get home fast to take the clothes off the line. We have to race the rain clouds.

Since today is x-mas eve, we got to open one gift. It's a tradition in our little family since I can remember, I'm not sure if anyone other than us do that, but we each opend a gift. Mom opened the coffee cup I made her in class (oh yes, I make the same gits as my students and give them to my parents) That way they still get the cute kid gifts no matter how old I am. LOL Dad opend a world map I bought him from office max. he likes to watch t.v. and when he hears of a city or country he doesn't know about, he likes to locate it and tell us whats around it. I always open Auntie Elaine's gift to me. I can't help it. I know what ever it is, I'm going to be happy. I don't know how she does it, but i'ts always my favorite gift and she did it again this year, a drop your jaw neacklace! I wore it all day. If only I had 1/2 her tallent for gift giving, my poor mom wouldn't be drinking coffee out of a mug with dorky flowers drawn on it. LOL

On that note, I better get to bed, I have to wake up early again for x-mas tomorrow. Hope every one has a great x-mas. Love you.

the black sheep
LOL, sorry I forgot to rotate the pic. LOL
Natalia ans me at the ruby room in Oakland
Natalia, d.j. Elisa and D.j rigo at the ruby room
Natalia cutting her birthday cake, it was guava cake...yummmm, and wearing the dress we got her.
Natalia, her grandma,her mom, elisa. rigo, the back of teresa's head, and me in the black and white sweater....yeah we are gambling for dimes with a kids toy. LOL
Rodrigo and Ziggy (both single, both have fleas)
Teresa and natalia (both single and prefer it that way)
snow boarding earphones, cuz we have no snow in the bay area and rigo has never even seen a snow ( still single)
Natalia's grandma (87 years old, single and makes a mean pesto sauce and what we call grandma bread. No english spoken here, just pure guataneese (wha-ta-knee) quick to hit your hand with a wooden spoon when you reach for food thats not ready...I have the scars to prove it.

1 comment:

grandmaj said...

Aunt Janet,
Merry Christmas, everyone says hi and tell your parents merry christmas and happy new year. Love you all , love aunt Janet