Sunday, November 30, 2008


Thanks giving is always an amusing time for me. Mom does all the cooking, cuz lets just face it, no one wants food poisioning during the holidays. She's in the kitchen for hours and hours cooking this and that, stiring and mixing, basting and all that jazz. As we sit on our butts smelling the yummy smells as our tummies rumble. I arrived a bit later than usual and missed the light breakfast that she lets us have in the morning. Since we usually eat dinner super early on thanksgiving thats all we get till dinner. She went to the bathroom and I snuck into the kitchen and stoled a few black olives to tied me over, since we still had an hour or two to go. I ran back to the couch so she wouldn't catch me. About an hour later she opens the fridge and says "who's been eating the olives? there are 3 missing?!" seriously, the woman counted the olives in the glass dish. Who does that?! This is why I could never cut school or sneek out at night, sh'e knows everything. It's soooo creepy. I didn't get in trouble at least, but she never left the kitchen again dangit!

We finally sat down to eat at around 2:00 p.m. yeah it's kinda early, but we were starving. The turky was small, which was fine, it was enough for us, plus, we had all the sides too, green bean casorol, bread, cranberry crud (eww), stuffing, mashed potatoes, gravy and our neighobr's famous broccoli salad, she left my mom the recipe before her unfortunate car wreck a few years back. We clinked glasses and hoped for a better year, because one of the chairs was empty. Feeling the absence of my brother is daily, as we have all lost someone we loved no matter how long ago, or how stressed the relationship was we still feel it. But it was a knock to our hearts and will be for every holiday I am sure. I'm reminded of him daily, I have his things, I have his pictures, I have his ashes, but I can't seem to bring myself to erase his number from my cell phone. Go figure. It was odd, not having him there, but not uncommon, somtimes he wouldn't come to spend the holidays with us, prefering his friends and their family's over ours, but we knew where he was, that he was safe and fed and that was enough. Usually i would get a phone call. But when I got home, I listened to a message he had left me on my answering machine a 8 months ago and felt better. His happy and carefree voice wanting to meat up for coffee and how insted of calling me alison he called me alisinner, and I refered to him as foofoo or foofanew so thats how he would start his messages. :"hey sinner it's foofoo...". I know I miss him, But I am also happy that he isn't sad or in pain anymore, and I know where he is at all times and I don't worry about him at all anymore. And that makes me happy again. I hope I didn't bum anyone out with this post. I'm fine I promise. I just know that I haven't talked about him at all, and I'm not sure if you all knew we had lost him or not.( I know Britt knew) Mom's not up to talking about it, which is understandable, so I haven't mentioned it. But thats what a blog is for right? I figured it was time. Hope you guys had a great feast as well. I miss you all and love you lots. Here are some pics for you to laugh at:
MMMMM, the turkey, in all it's juicy gooness.
But the turkey was no match, for dad's skilled hands carved it up, the only job he gets on this day.
so gonna dig in!

Our dearly missed FooFoo.


One Crazy Family said...

We found out after it happened and were very sad that we could not be there for you and your parents. He was a great guy and he is missed.
Glad you had a good Thanksgiving despite it all. My mom has olive sensors as well. She always yells at the kids for eating the olives before dinner especially the green ones (yuck).

The black sheep A.K.A Pandora said...

Thanks cuzin. he was a good guy. Ewww green olives are NASTY! LOL Unless they are in Natalia's martinis apparently.

Britt said...

I know the feeling of loss. The Holidays are always harder. If you ever need to talk I am here for you! Love you and give your parents my love too!

The black sheep A.K.A Pandora said...

Thanks cuz, I know you guys gotz my back. LOL Love you all. :)

Meemer said...

i'm so sorry for your loss. i hope you find some peace. i don't know what else to say. only that your turkey also rocked.