Sunday, September 13, 2009

condo prgress and my birfday

the kitchen area
my agent painting and mom's butt

dad in a apron, but he swears it's a smock. it's so an apron.

I'm growing kittahs in my backyard!

dad and mom at red lobster for my birthday

rob (mail order man) eating snowcrab for the first time.

me and Rob

me at the condo with the sold sign cuz I'm a dork

da in the apron...I mean smock again

Rob cleaning window sills

dad sweating like crazy

the kitchen, not painted yet though

dad painting the livingroom

So the condo has been an endless source of excitement and stress. Mostly stress, not just for me but for my parents, who I am sure has managed to shave off at least 10 years of their lives just by having to sign so many papers and go through so much drama. At one point they decided to pull the plug on the condo thing all together, quite frankly even though it made me sad, I had to agree that the stress was too much for them and I would gladly exchange a stupid condo for my parent's happiness any day. However after we moved all the furniture they had just painted back into my apartment in the hood they decided to call our agent back and go ahead with the condo, thereby shaving 10 years off my life span outta sheer annoyance and frustration. So we get to move the furniture AGAIN. Meanwhile, school has started up again, my mail order man showed up (okay the guy I fell for from Virgina) but I think I'm gonna call him my mail order man just for kicks. I also gave my 30 days notice to my apartment manager. So in essence the list of things to do has grown. I have to go to work for 6 hours, help after work with the condo, go home and pack my apartment, move the boxes to the condo, clean the old apartment, change my address with like 100s of people, get a phone and interwebs and cable put in my condo and in between all this get Rob (mail order man) acclimated to California, his driver's licence changed, his insurance changed, his address changed, register his gun and his car, get new plates for his car and help him find a job on top of showing him around. All this with cramps might I add. Then my birthday shows up! Honestly it could of waited but it didn't. Everyone wanted to do something or go out and I was busy painting and scrubbing walls and I had cramps and didn't wanna go anywhere so I just went out to dinner with Rob and my parents at red lobster. It was fun but mom is sick and didn't feel well and we were all tired from working on the condo. My agent actually showed up to help paint though! That was kinda funny, I think he felt bad that we have only 2 weeks to get it all done. Rodrigo and Nahuel are doing a lot of the work and will help me move as well so that's nice, Rob has been taking up slack and generally taking orders and helping out where ever he needs too. Rob sprayed a wasp's nest and dad locked him out, and pointed and laughed at him, so yeah he got "jumpped in" our "gang" and he didn't get stung. so that was nice. I thought I would post pics of the progress so far but just remember this was all semi gloss paint we had to cover and it's soooooo not finished yet. Had to post the pictures first cuz the blogger thingy wouldn't let me move them for some reason so they are kinda out of order, sorry I didn't know how to fix it.:)


One Crazy Family said...

Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you
It is looking very nice and I quite like your dad's smock (apron). It will all be worth it when the condo is done and it is a little piece of your own.
I do hope you had a happy birthday! (Ty and Boo are rockin out right now playing the beatles) and they wish you a happy b-day as well.

Love Ya!!!

The black sheep A.K.A Pandora said...

awww thanks guys! I hope the condo stuff will be over soon, the stress has knots in my neck and I'm just tired of all the work. I feel so rushed. I needed more time.

Tantalum said...

Congrats on the condo. I can't believe you roped your agent into pitching in with the painting - you have amazing powers of persuasion.

I'm totally getting an aprosmock for my next painting project. But I don't think I can top the old man's "HUH?" expression :)

grandmaj said...

Sorry I forgot it was your birthday , so a late happy birthday. Your dad will never live down the apron/smock. Wish you luck with everything . tell the parents hi. Love ya. Grandmaj

The black sheep A.K.A Pandora said...

oh man aprosmok! awesome new word! I plan on fulling using it tomorrow as we continue painting the condo of crazy colours!! Thanks for the bithday wishes, More pictures to come soon, it's starting to look less like a fun house and more like a mental institution, as it should. :)