Tuesday, September 22, 2009

condo almost finished pictures!

Okay, so it's been a long haul. I mean honestly, this whole thing has been stressful for us all, but it's starting to look less like a brothel and more like a normal house. The last thing to do is shampoo the carpets on Friday then start moving in. Of course it's not that easy, I still have to finish packing and clean the apartment for inspection and manage to attend Ashley's 7th b-day party. But I took the 28th-30th off to manage it all. So please enjoy the photos, I am sure there will be more to come as I move in and finishing touches are done.
My new washer and dryer! Win!

My new stove, top ramen shall be cooked in style!

Nahuel and Rodrigo cutting my kitchen floor. Nahuel's baby is due any day and Rigo is still single cuz of his fleas. LOL

My kitchen floor, well a piece of it.Rigo and Dad picking out floors, but then we went to home depot and only had 2 choices so it was a wasted trip.

Rigo and Nahuel putting the fridge back after they finished the floors.Nahuel put in the hood over the oven too, notice the red brick from the wall behind the stove is now gone and has been painted.My new bathroom sink downstairs that the boys put in, the blue tape was a gift from them till the caulking dried.Rob painting the corners first so dad can roll the rest of the paint on.Rob got in a fight with the paint roller, I think the roller won.....at least we got the washer and dryer, right!?The master bedroom (remember the ox blood red?) I picked a sage colour to brighten it, took three coats of t.s.p and 2 coats of primer!still the master after I cut in the corners.The master bedroom done with the paint, base boards next.Master bedroom closet, now we have to re-hang the closet doors.
I picked a really light gray for the two other rooms, Rob and dad painted them.

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