Saturday, February 28, 2009

My bad

I haven't posted in a while, Natalia started school again so our shananigins have been slowed to a crawl. Then she got sick to add to it. We have had two aides out for 4 weeks streight due to work related injuries and I have been pooped. I love how people think we go to work and play with the special kids all day and color and paint and it's so cute and fun, when on a good day that just means we haven't been mauled to death our hurt ourselves having to restatain a kid from hitting his head on the blacktop repeatadly.

this is my arm after it stopped bleeding. I come home from work with various injuries like this everyday. I wish I could color all day. LOL

Anyway, so thats why I have been too tired to post. Honestly when I get home lately, I drop everything at the door and sit on the edge of the couch and stare at the t.v. thats not even on for about forty five mins before I even bother to start my regular chores. I'm kinda glad I'm childless at this point. Poor kid would never get fed cuz I can't seem to unwind from work.

Last night was great though. Natalia finished her homework early so we could actually get outta the house and spend time together. Rodrigo was spinning at the Ruby room again so we decided to grab our pal Teresa and head on over to Oakland and listen to some music and have some drinks. Natalia and I have beoth been stressed, and Teresa's poor mother just got laid off from her job and Teresa has been trying to help her mother out who also is single and has a 20 year old special needs kid living at home as well. we all needed to get away for a bit. We got to Ruby room so early we were the olny people there at the time, which makes us look likr lushes. LOL But we got the V.I.P table without having the owner reserve it for us so that was nice. Teresa gave up drinking for lent so she drank Roy rogers all night and I have my shirly temples. It was nice having another sober driver so Elisa and Natalia and Rodrigo didn't have to all squish into my car. We had fun. Around 12:00 a.m. We decided since we were all poor (I blew my last 6 bucks on shirly temples) we would go to Elisa's house to play with her dog Nacho. We stayed at her place, playing some dorky game Rodrigo made up for us to pass the time. We took Nacho's squeek toy and placed it on out foot and tried to kick it into a kid's basket ball hoop. Clearly we are too old to be doing stupid things like this, we all have huge bills to pay and huge worries at the moment, a lot of stress and this wasn't getting any of it taken care of. We just need to revert back to our childhood and escape being adults and play a simple game to decompress. It was fun, till Nacho wanted his toy Oh well.

Natalia, Elisa and Teresa at the Ruby room
Me and Elisa at the Ruby room
Rodrigo spinning (still painfully single, maybe cuz he hangs out with us all the time)
Teresa kicked the dog toy backwards and made it into the hoop.
I didn't get the toy in the hoop, cuz I'm too uncordanated.
Nacho, begging for his toy back. Mean hoomins!
still begging for his toy
yeah....I just took the picture.

Elisa got mad at Rodrigo and threw a lemon at him and hit him in the neck leaving this red mark, it looked bad, but he smelled lemony freash all night. lol

As for my Algerian guy David, He and I haven't hung out in a while. He has been apartment searching and found out he will be laid off next moth so he has been job searching as well. Not a good time to be outta work and outta a house in california right now, so he has been kinda pissy, so I haven't calle dhim much.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

clearly I am bored

I'm sooo not eating here.
I'll just hold it cuz I'm confused.

I need this hat

where I find my dates

ohhh goody chocolate puke! thats so hard to find

new meat.

Okay so David seems to always be busy so I kinda got tired of waiting for him. Plus why should I? we arn't married, we arn't boyfriend and girlfriend. We have had 4 dates over a 4 week period. thats me seeing him only once a week. I don't think that means I have to hang around all day waiting fo rhim to call me or text me or grace me with his presence right? I never said i would only date him. So I thought it would be okay to see a new guy. LOL. This one is is in some band i guess. His name is Shane and he's cool or so it seems. We haven't met yet. we have been talking on the phone and texting. but he sent me a picture:

it would be nice to date a guy with more tattoos than me for a change. LOL. He's playing tonight in san fransisco. But I am too lazy to go to the show. I figure if he wants to hang out he and I can meet up at dennys for coffee after the show. it's 24 hours and I'm off tomorrow so it doesn't matter what time. ewww I just noticed the vertical blinds behind him.....I hate vertical blinds. Maybe I wont go out with him. They are hard to clean and I don't like the looks of them. Is that a stupid reason not to date a guy? I know that I stopped seeing aaran cuz his car smelled funny. ehh maybe I will. what do you guys think?

Saturday, February 14, 2009

woe is me....

okay so the day wasn't as bad as I thought. Even though I woke up to a huge bag of cat food that some how managed to topple over during the night onto my kitchen floor, it wasn't a bad day. I got my taxes done. I'm getting money back from state and fed, so thats cool. Sadly it isn't enough to bail myself outta debt, but would put a nice chunk of art on my upper arm...too bad I have to pay bills before tattoos. I have been feeling the itch for a new one too. Oh well. My dad was my Valentine. he gave me chocolates and took me and mom to dinner. when it comes down to it, the only man a woman can depend on is her daddy. So Yeah dad for the yummy shrimp dinner and the chocolates! The casino got canceled cuz of the rain and high winds. they were advising people to stay off the roads if they could. Most people from california can't drive in good weather so when bad weather comes we are compleat dolts behind the wheel. Plus Karen seemed tired. So i came home and watched my netflix. 3 solid hours of my hero Kat von d. I love wating her tattoo people. I ordered the whole first season of l.a. ink on netflix. That pretty much sums it up. Hope you all had a good valentines day.

heres my sad face pic. LOL

Friday, February 13, 2009

blahhhh valentines

okay you would think with as many guys as I "pal around" with, i would have a date for Valentines day......errrr nope. David (the algerian) called me today to let me know that he would have to take a rain check on our weekly date. And I got to thinking, who was a dating last year at this time. I was dating A.Z. The hot guy from Maracco. I was thinking about calling him and seeing what he was up to, then I remembered the whole "alison doesn't call boys, boys call alison" saying I live by and decided against it. I honestly dont NEED a guy to hang out with on Valentines day. It's not a rule and I'm not lonely or sad about it. Although I was looking forward to hearing david play music for me again. But I just feel the desire to get out of the house, since I was sick all last week. But karen called me, and Ashley's dad (ewww) will have her this weekend, so Karen is free to do somthing. we are pretty much poor or in debt so we wont be going to disneyland again, but she had a great idea to go to the indian casino 2 hours away. We love road trips and we both need to get away and have fun, and since karen and I don't drink a dry casino sounds kinda fun. We don't gambal nor have the money to attempt it, but we can hangout and people watch for a few hours and then come back home. So we decided that that was going to be our valentines treat for ourselves. A pointless road trip. I'm so excited. So tomorrow, I will get my taxes done at 12:00 p.m. and we will be on the road by 2:00 P.m. I hope. LOL Hope you guys have a lovely Valentines day.:) Oh and Auntie Elaine, thank you for my card. I love it and I love you!!!!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

wonder mops and court t.v.

So I took last friday off cuz I was sick, Saturday I was sick but still hung out with david. *swoon* Sunday I stayed in all day cuz I felt awful still, Monday we had off so I still stayed home trying to get well and I took today (tuesday) off cuz I still felt nasty. I must have cabin fever. I hate staying home. It sucks. I don't have good cable. I did notice that most of day time t.v. consists of court shows, infomercials, and crime stopper shows. and the usual soap operas and game shows. This kind of mind numbing entertainment preys on the nyquil clouded mind. The court shows drive me crazy cuz it's always somthing dorky. Like someone who doesn't pay rent because the apartment manager hasn't cleaned the pool. really! Unless you live in the pool who cares if it gos uncleaned for a few days? you still have a roof over your head! Oh the infomercials are so stupid. I don't see how a mop is going to change my life, honestly. I have 3 mops as it is, and they all require me to actually get off my fat butt and use them. Then the crime stopper shows.....they just pretty much show me who not to date or how long I have to date them before I can turn them into police for reward money...okay those are kinda helpful. The soap operas are just plain nuts. tell me how a dyslexic evil twin can become a doctor yet, never actually gos to work? He just manages to go to his wife's sister's house an knock up a distant relitive who happens to be posessed by the devil...aaarrrgggghhhh! But it's the game shows that really make me blow my top. Like cash cab, I don't know if you guys have ever seen it, but the questions are so flippin' easy that I get so upset that the people don't know the answers that I stand up and screem out the answers at the t.v. further proving that cabin fever not only exists but is eating me alive and I am burried in a moutain of snotty tissuess and they are stuck to me cuz I'm covered in vicks vapo rub! I'm soooo going to work tomorrow. I have to find out which kid gave me this horrid sickness and somehow get even.....

Sunday, February 8, 2009

But...but I got a flu shot!

Okay I'm sick. I have a rotten cold. My throat is killing me and I can't breathe outta my left nostril. I have gone through 2 whole boxes of tissues and my nose is red and raw and flaky. I look like poo. I feel like poo. I smell like...vicks vapo rub (you thought I was gonna say poo) So naturally knowing I am way too sick for work, I called in for a sub on friday. They never sent a sub for me so I'm sure that when I finally go to work I will get an earful...good thing both ears are clogged. LOL. As sick as I am I didn't want to cancel my date with David a.k.a Mr. algerian. I told him I was sick. I told him I wasn't pretty. I told him I would most likely get him sick if we hung out. But he said he didn't care he just wanted to hang out.....awwwww. As sweet as it sounds, I just want to crawl into bed and enjoy my nyquil enduced coma. But I agreeded to go out with him anyway. I bypassed a Party at Elisa's house to hang out with David cuz he promised me He would have a surprise for me. I was a little worried, the last guy who I went out with took me ring shopping and scared me poopless with thoughts of maraige so I'm not sure what to expect from David. I went and picked him up from bart and he opened my trunk to put his ever present back pack in there. And we went to dinner. Mexican food as usual. It's his favorite and mine so why fight it. Then I had to run to the pet store and buy crickets for my lizards to eat, that grossed him out a little but he was a trooper and held the bag of crickets the whole way back to my house with out vomiting his chimichanga. I fed the lizards while he got his stuff outta my trunk. I was upstairs feeding the lizards when I hear this really cool music from downstairs and I thought that he made me a c.d. with burbur and aribic music that I had asked him for. I went down stairs and he was sitting on my couch playing the gutair for me!!!! okay, so he's hot, tallented, smart and is going to u.c. berkley there has to be a catch, I just havent found it yet. he played and sang in aribic for me for an hour and then we looked at family pictures together, I looked at his and he looked at mine. He thought Meemer's wedding pictures were so pretty, he kept asking me if it was a real wedding or was she a model! He also said that Britt's baby picture was the cutiest picture of a baby he had ever seen! LOL She does have a outstanding baby pic. The only really current picture I have of Britt is of me and her eating a huge sundae we made at my house when she came over and I didn't want to show him that. LOL He said Britt's eyelashes were "extra long." LOL. He siad I have a bella family. awww I knew we were hotties! His family pictures were pretty cute too, he and his mother have the same lips and nose and he has 9 brothers and sisters, but didn't have pictures of all of them. It was kinda fun sharing family pictures and listening to him play music for me. I took him back to the bart station to catch the train home at 11:30 p.m. I didn't want him to miss the train like the last time. Not that it was bad having him sleep on the couch, I just didn't want to forget he was there again and come downstairs in granny jammies and dragon breath again. LOL. I tried to download the video of him playing gutair for you guys, but after waiting an hour for it to download (it's only a 4min video) I gave up here's a picture insted.
It's too bad I couldn't figure out how to download the music, it was pretty an dhis singing was pretty good too. If anyone can tell me how to get the video on here without having to wait an hour, I would love to know. okay it's like 3:00 a.m. not, I better get to sleep. Love you guys.

Friday, February 6, 2009

awww, i love my family!

Thanks for making me feel better you guys. I think Kale's right...deep down I just may be a cat person, no matter how hard I try to fight it. Love you guys so much!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

If it isn't men, it's the flippin cats.....

Okay get this for more kittah drama. Mom calles me yesterday and leaves me a message cuz I'm at work. I listen to it and she says she has found a nice lady who would love a kitten. Score! Mom met her at wall mart and of course my mom gives her my number and tells her I have plenty of kittahs for her. The lady calls me (her name is Betty) and I ask her which one she would like. She said she wanted my little orange female that I call Ginger. I love Ginger, shes one of my faves. So I get all excited and happy that Ginger will have a warm home and a lady who would play with her and feed her and cuddle with her and take care of her. I agree to meet the lady in Fremont at a carls Jr restrant. I put the kittah in Natalia's carrier she let me borrow and picked up my mom. We met Betty at 8:00 p.m. and she loved Ginger, but had no carrier to put her in. She only brought a box. I felt uneasy about trying to transfer her from Natalia's carrier to the box but agreed to do it. I figured there is 3 of us and we could manage it. I was wrong. The cat busted outta the box and ran away. We couldn't catch her. And now she is lost in a new city she doesn't know and alone without anyone to take care of her. I cried till I made myself sick. I am so worried. I keep wishing I could hit a rewind button and change everything I did. Like just letting this woman just have the carrier and buying Natalia a new one, or transfering the cat while I was inside the car like a smart person would. *sigh* I hate it when I have the best intentions and they fall short. I feel like I betrayedthe cat's trust and it's all my fault, Mom feels guilty because she is the one who talked me out of giving Betty Natalia's carrier and poor Betty still doesn't have a kittah to love and she really liked Ginger for the ten minuites she knew her.......I feel like a total arse and super guilty. My throat hurts from crying so much last night (or I'm sick again) and Mom went back to the area we lost her in today to try to find her, but she couldn't find little ginger. (bonus points for my awsomely sweet mom). Now I have just a few kittahs left and Betty said she didn't want the other ones. And I had to go home and explain to the few kittahs I have left that I lost their sister and she wont be comming home. Thats the second cat I ahve managed to loose, counting socks as the first one of course. ahhhhh, I have had it. I don't want to try to get them fixed or find them homes anymore. I just want to feed them and quit trying to "make a better life for them." I'm not good at it at all. I keep thinking about poor ginger alone and scared in a strange city, without the warmth of her litter mates and being hungry and drinking gutter water.....I'm going to stick to my reptiles from now on. I don't seem to screw that up. :(