this is my arm after it stopped bleeding. I come home from work with various injuries like this everyday. I wish I could color all day. LOL
Anyway, so thats why I have been too tired to post. Honestly when I get home lately, I drop everything at the door and sit on the edge of the couch and stare at the t.v. thats not even on for about forty five mins before I even bother to start my regular chores. I'm kinda glad I'm childless at this point. Poor kid would never get fed cuz I can't seem to unwind from work.
Last night was great though. Natalia finished her homework early so we could actually get outta the house and spend time together. Rodrigo was spinning at the Ruby room again so we decided to grab our pal Teresa and head on over to Oakland and listen to some music and have some drinks. Natalia and I have beoth been stressed, and Teresa's poor mother just got laid off from her job and Teresa has been trying to help her mother out who also is single and has a 20 year old special needs kid living at home as well. we all needed to get away for a bit. We got to Ruby room so early we were the olny people there at the time, which makes us look likr lushes. LOL But we got the V.I.P table without having the owner reserve it for us so that was nice. Teresa gave up drinking for lent so she drank Roy rogers all night and I have my shirly temples. It was nice having another sober driver so Elisa and Natalia and Rodrigo didn't have to all squish into my car. We had fun. Around 12:00 a.m. We decided since we were all poor (I blew my last 6 bucks on shirly temples) we would go to Elisa's house to play with her dog Nacho. We stayed at her place, playing some dorky game Rodrigo made up for us to pass the time. We took Nacho's squeek toy and placed it on out foot and tried to kick it into a kid's basket ball hoop. Clearly we are too old to be doing stupid things like this, we all have huge bills to pay and huge worries at the moment, a lot of stress and this wasn't getting any of it taken care of. We just need to revert back to our childhood and escape being adults and play a simple game to decompress. It was fun, till Nacho wanted his toy Oh well.
Elisa got mad at Rodrigo and threw a lemon at him and hit him in the neck leaving this red mark, it looked bad, but he smelled lemony freash all night. lol
As for my Algerian guy David, He and I haven't hung out in a while. He has been apartment searching and found out he will be laid off next moth so he has been job searching as well. Not a good time to be outta work and outta a house in california right now, so he has been kinda pissy, so I haven't calle dhim much.