Sunday, February 8, 2009

But...but I got a flu shot!

Okay I'm sick. I have a rotten cold. My throat is killing me and I can't breathe outta my left nostril. I have gone through 2 whole boxes of tissues and my nose is red and raw and flaky. I look like poo. I feel like poo. I smell like...vicks vapo rub (you thought I was gonna say poo) So naturally knowing I am way too sick for work, I called in for a sub on friday. They never sent a sub for me so I'm sure that when I finally go to work I will get an earful...good thing both ears are clogged. LOL. As sick as I am I didn't want to cancel my date with David a.k.a Mr. algerian. I told him I was sick. I told him I wasn't pretty. I told him I would most likely get him sick if we hung out. But he said he didn't care he just wanted to hang out.....awwwww. As sweet as it sounds, I just want to crawl into bed and enjoy my nyquil enduced coma. But I agreeded to go out with him anyway. I bypassed a Party at Elisa's house to hang out with David cuz he promised me He would have a surprise for me. I was a little worried, the last guy who I went out with took me ring shopping and scared me poopless with thoughts of maraige so I'm not sure what to expect from David. I went and picked him up from bart and he opened my trunk to put his ever present back pack in there. And we went to dinner. Mexican food as usual. It's his favorite and mine so why fight it. Then I had to run to the pet store and buy crickets for my lizards to eat, that grossed him out a little but he was a trooper and held the bag of crickets the whole way back to my house with out vomiting his chimichanga. I fed the lizards while he got his stuff outta my trunk. I was upstairs feeding the lizards when I hear this really cool music from downstairs and I thought that he made me a c.d. with burbur and aribic music that I had asked him for. I went down stairs and he was sitting on my couch playing the gutair for me!!!! okay, so he's hot, tallented, smart and is going to u.c. berkley there has to be a catch, I just havent found it yet. he played and sang in aribic for me for an hour and then we looked at family pictures together, I looked at his and he looked at mine. He thought Meemer's wedding pictures were so pretty, he kept asking me if it was a real wedding or was she a model! He also said that Britt's baby picture was the cutiest picture of a baby he had ever seen! LOL She does have a outstanding baby pic. The only really current picture I have of Britt is of me and her eating a huge sundae we made at my house when she came over and I didn't want to show him that. LOL He said Britt's eyelashes were "extra long." LOL. He siad I have a bella family. awww I knew we were hotties! His family pictures were pretty cute too, he and his mother have the same lips and nose and he has 9 brothers and sisters, but didn't have pictures of all of them. It was kinda fun sharing family pictures and listening to him play music for me. I took him back to the bart station to catch the train home at 11:30 p.m. I didn't want him to miss the train like the last time. Not that it was bad having him sleep on the couch, I just didn't want to forget he was there again and come downstairs in granny jammies and dragon breath again. LOL. I tried to download the video of him playing gutair for you guys, but after waiting an hour for it to download (it's only a 4min video) I gave up here's a picture insted.
It's too bad I couldn't figure out how to download the music, it was pretty an dhis singing was pretty good too. If anyone can tell me how to get the video on here without having to wait an hour, I would love to know. okay it's like 3:00 a.m. not, I better get to sleep. Love you guys.


Britt said...

Dang girl I like him! He's hot and sang to you! gotta love that. He also liked my chubby baby pic HA! love that too!

Tantalum said...

He serenaded you??!! Awesome..err, mean, tell him to knock it off, he's making the rest of us guys look like chumps.

One Crazy Family said...

I got a flu shot too and I was sick for six weeks. I hope yours is much shorter lived and nicer than mine.

Dude is way cute and sang to you

Ohhhhhh don't you just love it?

Get better soon.

The black sheep A.K.A Pandora said...

LOL, I know guys, I feel like a dork that I am falling for this mushy stuff, but it's so flippin' cute I don't know what to do. LOL. I think he wants to spend valentines day together. *gulp* LOL