Friday, July 31, 2009

The pictures are in, kinda.....

Okay so mom, Natalia and I drove to livermore today to look at the picture proofs for the photo shoot. They had us go into a little room, sit on a nice couch and look at a big (I mean HUGE) screen while she pulled up my pictures. It's already un-nerving to have to look at pictures of yourself posing alone as it is, but now it's on a giant screen. I turned bright red, she clicked through the pictures and she even played music during it. UUUGGGHHH really? why? I honestly didn't like any of them at all. I felt bad that I didn't because the lady who took the pictures was there and she seemed so happy. I mean don't get me wrong they were nice, but I didn't care for them at all. I didn't like my hair or my eyebrows or well I didn't like anything except the lip stick colour. *Sigh*. Mom liked some and Natalia did too so mom picked out and bought a few...(Auntie Elaine, sorry but I think your getting one) I tried to talk her out of it but she picked three I think. As long as I don't have to have them hanging in my house I'm fine. But she only printed out little thumb nail pictures to take home for my mom and in a few weeks my mom will get the bigger prints *rolls eyes*. So in a few days they will print out and blow up the pictures and place them in the salon and then the customers vote on the best 12 to get into the calendar, so theres still a chance I wont make it in. I want to be in it because it's for a good cause, but I wont be upset if I don't make it since I wasn't crazy about the pictures anyway. so I scanned the tiny thumb nails:

Sorry, the extent of my computer knowledge makes it hard for me to figure out how to make the pictures larger. but that's all I can do till we get the normal sized pictures.

The condo is still on our minds. We have yet to receive word that it's officially ours and we can get a key and the sign outside is still there so, no news on that, I'll keep you posted. I did take a picture of the outside of it:

front door, living room window on the bottom and the two windows upstairs look out from the two secondary bedrooms. that's dad at the door. LOL. okay that's all the updates I have. Kisses!


grandmaj said...

I like the first picture, hope thing work out with the Condo. I don't know about that person standing in front of the condo looks a little suspicious. love aunt Janet

The black sheep A.K.A Pandora said...

seiously, I should have had him arrested, but he looked like he had a hard life. LOL. The pictures were relly bad close up, trust me. LOL