Saturday, July 19, 2008

Date with Random bar guy......

Okay, so My last post included the fact that I lost my glasses before I hit the bar with Natalia. What I didn't include was the random guy that got my number. His name is Sean. He is pretty cool. He is only 23 (apparently I am a cougar) but really cute. We have been texting and talking on the phone a lot and I figured we should have a date. So I asked him to come over and play scrabble with me and we can chat. So he came over and we played a game. This guy has 2 degrees in computers and his highst scoring word was mice. I don't even know what to think. Honestly, this guy could launch the space shuttle from an atm machine, but scrabble was a mystery to him. but he's hot so of course I'm going to see him again, because I am shallow.
So Tomorrow I have a date with a portoriccan guy neamed Eric, his arms are bigger than my thighs so I am thinking he can lift the couch so I can clean under it. But he's the first guy I dated that has more tattoos than me, so thats a plus. (my parents will just love that! LOL)
I have a theroy, that there is something wrong with every guy I am dating, 1 has no social s number, 1 has no car, 1 is so young he can't recall the muppets, 1 has no job, 1 has an angry ex wife that wont stop calling me and 1 has a job that takes him out of state all the time....the list gos on. I think would be great if I could somehow take all the things I like about the guys I am dating, and combine them and make the perfect Mr. Potato head man. Like a franken stud. That would be awsome! I think I need to look into that, so just incase it's a remote possibility that I can just make or harvest the perfect man at some point, lets all support stem cell reasearch it just may be my only chance of marrital bliss and offspring. And on that note, I'm going to bed. Love you guys.:)

1 comment:

Meemer said...

stem cell research? or maybe just cloning? think of the price you could get for a mr. perfect!

good luck with the men.