Saturday, July 19, 2008

Rotten house gnomes

Keeping my eye out for the pesky house gnomes

Okay I had just returned home after doing my laundry at mom and dad's house (yeah like I would go to a laundry mat and pay for it) and as I was retreving said laundry from my trunk, one of the random mexican neighbor chicks ran out of her apartment screaming at me in spanish. A lot of things ran through my mind, like oh crap, have I dated her husband, and or her son or both or what, cuz she sounded so pissed off, but she was just so excited to see me because she wanted to return my glasses! Apparently the house gnomes had stolen my glasses, took them out side of the house and laid them in my parking stall right where my car door would be if I had been parked there! I mean clearly it was a set up, they just wanted it to look like I was dumb enough to let them fall outta my purse as I opend the car door. So I guess the random Mexican chick found them and her husband told her they were mine (I swear I haven't been seeing him...I don't think) and she was kind enough to return them a few days later. I was so happy! I of course went out yesterday and got a new pair, but hey I liked the old pair better. So yeah mystery solved.....although I knew it was the blasted house gnomes all along.


Meemer said...

i'm glad you found your glasses. you look super hawt in them too.

The black sheep A.K.A Pandora said...

I'm glad I got em back too, stupid house gnomes! awww you think I look Hawt! Thanks man I call em my dork glasses. The fake diamonds do jazz them up a bit though. LOL