Saturday, July 19, 2008

a few guys I am seeing

this one is Rodrigo, Natalia's hot brother the d.j. I'm not seeing him cuz thats just gross, but I am putting his pic up cuz, he is single and a d.j. and a construction worker and is from south america. so he's hot and single if anyone wants him, he plays gutair also.
Okay the guy on the far right next tome is Doug a.k.a dill. he is my apartment manager's best friend. He does have hair I swear I just don't know where it went in this picture. He's not cute and he's kinda a dork. He is a pool player by porfession, but he makes me laugh non stop. I rarely see him because he moved but he stops by for a monthy sushi date. Oh and yes that is a huge bowl of some alcoholic concoction in the middle of the table with long straws, apparently sharing ones cooties isn't a frear among my crowd.

This one is fredrico. He's my ex boyfriends best friend. I date him to #1 piss off my ex and #2 he's cute. it's like a bonus to date him because I an drive my scum sucking ex crazy and have a nice date all at the same time. He works for Kelly More paints and is the district manager for his store, he speeks 5 languages and has 2 kids.

This one is Cesar, he's okay to look at, but I just don't think he's that hot. I see him off and on due to the fact that he hates that i date more than 1 guy at a time. He has twin daughters and is actually my age (a 1st!)

This guys name is Nick, he is also friends with Nate and erik (below pics) another 22 year old hottie, I earn my cougar status. LOL He works as a trucker. He is really nice, i wish I could keep him. LOL

the hot man sandwhich I spoke of below, always keep your dates seperated if you are gonna juggle two at a time. so this is Nate and Eric, hopefully they will stay best friends. LOL

This one is Eric, he has a bunch of jobs, emt, bouncer for clubs, body guard work, ti kwan do champ and local football hero.He is super nice but alas he is only 22 and best friends with Nate, the guy pictured below. How do I date them both at the same time? always stay sandwhiched in the middle if we all go out together so they can't fight. LOL

This one is named Nate (go figure) he's only 22 and can't remember the muppets or fragle rock. we have nothing in common but darn is he pretty! He thinks I am cool cuz I have my own place while he still lives with his parents. the young ones are amused so easily. He's not that smart I distract him with shinny objects some times to entertain myself.

This one is sean, not the guy from the ruby room, I met this one in the starbucks parking lot. He was selling magizines. He managed to get a date with me even though I didn't think he was cute, it was a slow week I guess. Turns out he is an amazing artist and has tons of personality, but he looks like my brother so it kinda freeks me out.

This one is Jorge, he's from Portugal. He's got a cute accent and pretty eyes, but alas no social s number and a pissed off ex wife that likes to call me and yell at me in portugeese, I yell back in Japaneese so I guess it's only fair. LOL

This is A.z from Maracco, he is a reasearch chemist and pretty hot. my parents like him cuz he's super rich, he is the reason I have a gucchi handbag. But he lives kinda far away so I rarely see him.
Okay so thats a few of the guys I am seeing at the moment. Britt and I counted how many guys I am dating while I was up there and we got to 19 guys. I don't have pics of them all but I had theese so I hope you enjoyed looking at them and reading their stats. I was amused puting them up here. I'm sure there will be more pics soon, I have been kinda sliding on the picture taking when it comes to my dates lately. I must be getting older...or my dates younger. So while you guys have your dream man and cute kids, I'm still working on it. you guys are so dang lucky you don't have to do this kinda crap anymore. :) LOve ya!

This guy is Jesse, I have thought he was hot for 3 years, but everytime I run into him he has a girlfriend and I am single or vice versa. But when this pic was taken it was at a party and he was single, but I had brought a date to the party. :( I can never seem to get it right.


Meemer said...

that is a lot of guys. go cougar go!

The black sheep A.K.A Pandora said...

LOL, dude thats less than 1/2 of the guys. LOL. But I figure I gotta have some fun and weed out the creeps, jerks and dummies before I pick one to hog tie and make mine. I am such a courger, all the guys my age are married dangit!

Kelsey-boo said...

wow...that would be stressful. i didn't know you knew japanese lucky..

The black sheep A.K.A Pandora said...

awwww Boo I can't leave you a comment. :( oh well this will have to do. yes I speek Japaneese because I lived there for a few years. It's not that hard a language. You should give it a shot. I noticed you play cello. Thats quite a tallent, I was never musically inclined. Your very lucky.:) Kisses.

Tantalum said...

Wow. Now we know where Britt gets her tendency to date a whole boatload of guys at once. I never thought I'd see her beat, but wow, 19!

Actually, I have to stop giving her a hard time. She's kept her current man for a long, long time!

One Crazy Family said...

Way to go
find all the hot guys and parade them around on your blog. Make all of us un-single gals jealous.
Have fun while you are young before you become old and decrepit like me.