Sunday, July 13, 2008

Party in the hood

Okay, for those cuzin's who haven't seen where I live, I live deep in the hood. The ghetto if you will. I live here because it's the only place I can afford and my parents are scared to death to visit, so I have tons of privacy. I also live here for the sense of adventure. I find it amusing and entertaining to have to step over the chalk outline of the desesed gang members and lift the shiny yellow police tape just to get to my car. I also enjoy the mariachie (sp?) music on a a daily basis at all hours of the day. Plus around the 4th of July I get to play a well known game in the hood called "fireworks v.s. Gun shots. you get points if your right. Any way, with this all said it's apparent that I don't live in a neighborhood that is friendly to "outsiders." I have been here for 3 years and haven't had a lot of friends over because well honestly I like them and I don't want them to get shot just comming over so I have never had a party at my place. Howerver my best friend natalia and I decided that it was high time we have a party at my place and just see what happends. we planned it as we were eating lunch at the local pub. It seems the guest list grew the more we drank beer. funny how that works. we decised that we needed a theme so we made it Futbol (soccer) because spain beat germany a few weeks ago. okay so we were stretching for a theme give us a break. any way, we sent out 30 invites shapped like soccer balls mind you, and waited. A few people called to say they would make it and a few called to say they couldn't. So we pretty much expeceted the usual turn out of 8 to 10 people. The party day was Friday and I cleaned and Natalia prepared the wine, cheese, crackers, fruit and made the Sangreia. Natalia's brother is a D.J so he brought the music and Natalia's other brother brought a few gutairs and his busty girlfriend. 23 people showed up. 23 people each brought at least 3 bottles of wine in addition to the 17 bottles we already brought to the party. about 2 hours into the party it was apparent that cleaning my house would be quite a chore, I should just move. It was loud and crazy, No one barfed (always a plus among my friends) and people finally left at 5 a.m. when I woke up later I steped over various bodies covering every floor of my 2 bedroom apartment and viewed the destruction. I did have a kitchen when we started this shindig, however I couldn't find it. All I saw was a war zone and some random cat licking goat cheese off of a dollar store platter. Just when I was about to hang my head and start crying, I hear it, a bubble and a perking sound, I smelled it rich and bold, then Rodrigo the D.J. handed me the cup of steamy goodness with cream and sugar and all was well. The bodies started to rise and become human again. It was 12 in the afternoon befor we were all up and making sense. and we started to clean. we were done cleaning by 5 and took a break to go eat breakfast at I.H.O.P . it was a mess and I have enough wine left over for another party and enough cheeses of the world to feed all those starving kids in africa my mother was always telling me about. All in all it was an awsome party. If I knew how to post pics here I would. But I don't cuz I suck. LOL. So Natalia juat called me againa nd we are planning another party, this time a Vampire theme......why wait for October right?


Meemer said...

that sounds awesome! that sounds incredible. i'm only slightly jealous seeing that most days i don't feel human until 12 anyway, i'm used to cleaning up the barf that you got to avoid, and it's always a party with an 8, 5, and 1 year old

man, i sound totally lame

The black sheep A.K.A Pandora said...

naw, you arn't lame. I get the barf at work, don't worry I get my share. LOL

One Crazy Family said...

You are such a rebel. Also very tricky smart living in a place parents won't visit. Of course I moved further away and mine don't visit much either due to the fact that I can no longer give them grandchildren and have no baby to entertain them and I don't even live in the hood. Just in a lovely little community of communist plotters who won't let me put rocks concrete and bricks in front of my house.
You may have the better deal. I think the alien leader across the street is trying to figure out how to make me tear up my red bark. Maybe I will paint my house two tone green and purple, that should really get them going.

The black sheep A.K.A Pandora said...

you need to get lots of those horrid pink famingos to torture your neighbors! They even have clothing you can dress them up's really disterbing. LOL

One Crazy Family said...


See you like to plot as well I may have to do the pink flamingos maybe it will scare away his nasty little ankle bitter dogs
I can see it now little pink flamigos in little trashy bathing suits
he he he