Tuesday, November 25, 2008

the old people

Okay I am excited about worlds deadliest catch again. Yeah I need a life. They are running the seasons over again, Like I don't have them all commited to memory already. It's sad that I am so hyped for this show. I don't know what kind of hold it has over me, but I love it. The guys arnt cute at all, they never shower and they curse.....oh wait I get it, they remind me of all my dates. Mystery solved.
So today since I have no life, I hung out with my parents playing scrabble as per usual. I did however show my parents our blogs, in hopes they would think it would be a great idea to start their own, in essence getting auntie Elaine and Janet to blog as well.....no such luck. As I tried to show them how to navagate through my page and meeer's to get to britt's and Crazy family's I watched their eyes, glaze over with confusion and desperation. They started to humm show tunes and rock back and forth. When they started drooling I just gave up. "what would we blog about?" "we have no life." "we don't do anything." was all I heard. So I just closed the tabs and signed out, thinking they would forget about it in a few weeks and I would try again. I wont hold my breath though, new things scare them. they don't even have cell phones. I'm thrilled that they have indoor plumbing though.


One Crazy Family said...

Mom says the same thing. She likes to comment on our blogs but won't start her own. Technology scares them.

grandmaj said...

You have to remember that all this computer stuff came about wehen we were already old . you have grown up with it . We keep trying even if we are slow. Hope you had a good Thanksgiving and your parents are in good health. Love you all grandma J

The black sheep A.K.A Pandora said...

I don't the technology that scares them as much as lack of news to post, cuz mom has no problems searching the web and playing games...go figure! LOL