Sunday, January 25, 2009

more insight to my insanity

Seriously it's been a crazy weekend. Usually I thrive on the dorky action I manage to get myself into, but Im beat. Thursday I get a phone call from a private number. It's can only be one of three people I know. My mom, Natalia or my ex, Johnny who apparently isn't done trying to mess with my head (like I'm not in a constant state of p.m.s to begin with.) I answer the phone and low and behold, it's Nate. We talk for a 1/2 hour or so. We caught up on eacher other's families and friends as well as work. Now he works for U.P.S so yeah hes employed. (Nice) The whole conversation was spent on avoiding the subject of recenciliation. We also avoided asking eachother if we were seeing anyone or had a boyfriend/girlfriend. I never bothered to explain Dale's visit with me and my parents to the coffee shop to add to his disconfort. He mentioned that we should hang out and maybe grab coffee sometime so I told him to let me know when he had the time. We left it at that and hung up. I have to admit I was kinda thrilled he called and I did miss his voice. But it also adds to the dramtic dynamics that is my "love" life. Almost like he knows the most inconveniant time to call me.

Friday was pretty fun. It was d.j. Elisa's birthday and she had arranged for a ton of her friends to eat at a nice restraunt. Natalia and I tend to tey to stick with a theme when we go out and dress in the 50's style. our hair is frizzy so it works well for us. LOL Plus it's an excuse to wear the most obnoxiously bright red lipstick we own. And I get to wear my dork glasses and not feel like...well a dork. Dinner was lavishly overdone. it started with bread, then soup, then salad, then anti pasta, then regular pasta, then the waitress came to take our order for out main dish. Really, I just ate enough food to feed the olson twins for the rest of their lives and now this crazy waitress whats me to order food!? so we get the smallest thing on the meneu, raviolies. After we ate that we started to open our wallets thinking it was over and we could go home and pass out from food coma, but no, now the waitress brings us icecream. Then Elisa annouces that we were to all meet her at the Lost weekend bar and lounge for drinks.....*burp* Yeah, I demanded to go home first and change into a baggy jeans and a sweater. I was beyond stuffed. Natalia, rodrigo and I piled into the car and went to the lost weekend for more birthday shananagins.

Saturday I woke up relly late because of Elisa's Birthday party. I went out to feed all the kittahs, and I heard the saddest meow I had ever heard. And scocks, The little black kittah with the white feet drug himself out of the kittah house my dad built. He smelled like vomit and couldn't meow right and his back legs wernt working and she was shaking. I tried giving him food and water but he didn't touch it. I called mom to come help me. I dodn't know what to do. I 'm not a cat person per say, so I don't know if I would hurt him if I picked him up to help or what. Mom came over and swooped him up and he smelled awful. he was coated in vomit. So she gave him a warm bath to clan him up and to warm him because he was shivering. Then we put him in a basket in a towel next to the heater. Mom stayed next to him and kept petting him to confort him. About five mins later he took a last breath and died. Mom dug a hole in my little back yard and burried him while I cired on the couch like a baby, making snot bubbles and drooling in agony. Even though I don't like cats it hurt relly bad, because I had been taking care of him since he was born. Mom thinks he ate something bad. I just don't understand, I feed them all fresh food twice a day and fresh water, why would he eat something else? The other kittahs look fine and healthy but now I'm parinoid. when I see them I pick them all up and look at at them to make sure they dont look sick. On a happier note, little grey kittah forgave me and shows up twice a day at my front door and walks right in to be feed and cuddled for a bit.
Saturday night was a little better than the morning. I had to try to put sock's demise in the back of my head and stop crying long enough to perfect the black liquid eyeliner for my date later that night, with the Algerian guy. (David, pronounced Da-Vid) We went out to eat, it's kind of hard to eat with him because he is picky. he doesn't like asian foods because he says they are too sweet for him. He refuses sea food because he says it may not be fresh (hello, we live 10 minits from the ocean dude calm down!) He loves mexican food (as do I) but we did that last saturday. We ended up and Denny's (shocker!) I figured theres a little bit of everything there so we should both be happy. Plus, he's only been in the states for a little over a year, so it's not like he knows all the hot spots in the bay area. He ordered fajitas. I figured it was a safe bet cuz it's mexican food, he should enjoy it. It was breakfast fajitas so it happend to have sausage and bacon in it. I reading his selection as he ordered it and asked the waitress to omit the sausage and bacon for him. Since he's muslum, he isn't allowed to eat pork. He thanked me for my quick save to his religous belief system. I ordered the super bird cuz it was a turky sandwhich and therefore safe and non offinsive to his religion. I figured I would try to be respectful and not order any pork as well. Our food arrives and I give his the once over and it is pork free. He begins to eat as do I. I take a bite of my super bird silently patting myself on the back for my awsome pork catch a few mins earlier and the fact that this inpressed him so much, when a huge slice of bacon falls out of my sandwhich and slaps my chin as it's 1/2 in and out of my mouth! (ahhhhh!) I'm stuck. he isn't looking and I shove the rest in my mouth hopeing he doesn't ask for a bite. I'm so stuck at this point. I forgot that the sandwhich came with bacon in it. I must have ordered this dish a thousand times, it's my favorite and I'm always at dennys after hauling my drunken friends all over the city. How could I forget this inportant peice of knowledge?! We are trying to have a conversation, as I am trying to hide the porky goodness that is hiding within my sinful sandwhich. Oh yes, I said porky goodness....I love sausage, it's delightful, I adore bacon, the crisper the better. a fat pork chop slathered in mashed potatoes is a dream and honestly who wants a flippin salad with out bacon bits? I mean really? I was just thinking that I earned major karma points for making sure he didn't eat pork and now I am chowing down on the yummiest bacon filled sandwhich in the world. I don't know if I ended up canceling out my karma points. He reaches for my plate (gasps!) and grabs a french fry (sigh) that was close. I want to savor my porky goodness sandwhich, but feel the need to eat quickly before he finds out. I planned to let him kiss me later, would he go to the muslum version of hell if his lips and mine touched and I had consumed the un-holy animal? Have I put his inmortal soul in danger of the fires of hell? Do the muslums even have a hell? I mean girls get stonned in most muslum countires if ther ankle is exposed or their hair shows, is Algeria like that? crap! I didn't do enough research before the second date. I just know the flag is green and white, (double crap). It's an internal struggle that poor David has no idea I'm having, all he sees is the facial expressions crossing my face as I debate and argue with myself trying to decide if I should eat and enjoy, eat and confess or eat and stay quiet. (notice not eating the porky goodness wasen't an option I was willing to consider) David asks me: "what is wrong mon cherie?" My reply: "uhhh what?" (good save yeah I know) He says: "your you say....smiling and happy, you no like your food?" I decide to confess. I told him. I hung my head and told him that I fogot that what I ordered would contain bacon and I had been trying to hide it from him out of respect, but I am sorry for not telling him and offending him in any way. I told him that I am soooo sorry and I wanted him to kiss me tonight but understand if he can't. David puts down his fork and isn't smiling (I already screwed up the second date, not my record, but inpressive non the less.) he leans over the table grabs my face and gives me a big kiss on the lips. (boo, he still has cooties, had to use mouth wash when I got home) I am slightly shocked that He kissed me even though I ate pork. He smiles and says: "Your are not muslum, I don't expect you to follow our rules. I will kiss you over a whole pig if you wish me to." Then he picks up his fork and begins to eat again. Our first kiss is over bacon at Dennys.....not what I expected, not how I planned it, not how i imagined it .....but cute. We smile like dorks for the rest of the meal and I got to enjoy my porky goodness guilt free. (I'm so screwed if I try dating a Jewish guy) After dinner we go To Natalia's house to borrow the movie Amelie I figured it was in french (so he would understand) and it has english sub-titles (so I understand) and I love that movie and only have it on VHS. (i'm old school like that). Natalia meets him and he kisses her hand. Usually Natalia scares men but she giggled like a dork. We get back to my house and I make coffee while David washes up. we put the movie in and have a great time watching it cuddled up on the couch. I got a few more kisses (mouth wash Boo!) and we laughed at the movie. I wasn't watching the clock at all and the movie was about 2 hours long. By the time it was finished, it was almost 1:45 a.m! the last bart train to get David home is at 2:00 a.m. we rush to get his jacket and his shoes back on and my shoes too and run out the door and hop into the car. The train station is only 5 mins away so we can make it as long as I hit green lights. I'm almost there and we get stopped by a freight train that had no ending. (ahhhhhhh!) the train passes and the gard rails are stuck down and wont rise. the whole world is against me. I finally get him to the station at 2:08 a.m. he runs out the car and gets into the station. He almost hits the stairs to get up to the train and it leaves with a little beep beep sound. I see the train leave He was only 10 feet away from it. The workers were starting to close the gates. I'm watching all this wondering what he will do. Will he call me to get him or will he not call me and just stand there all night. I watch him get his phone out and put it back about 4 times. Never once calling. My heart breaks. I can't let him stay the night in the ghetto. He would be shot for sure. I call his phone and he answers. I ask him if he made it on the train to see if he would lie to me. He says no. I asked him what he is going to do and he is just quiet. I hang up on him. and get out of the car and yell and wave at him. He just smiles and runs to my car. I told him to get in and I took him back home. I made him a bed on my couch. And he fell asleep watching the food network. I went upstairs and washed my face off and got into my granny jammies and went to bed. I woke up around 8:00. I came downstairs forgetting David spent the night. So there I am standing at the foot of my stairs, no make-up, in ugly granny jammies compleate with dragon breath and eye crusties. (sexy) David jumps up and kisses me saying good morning. I almost peed. I made him breakfsat of salsa scrambled eggs and tortillas (hey I have only been married to mexicans) I took him to the bart station and dropped him off soon after.

(Me and David watching a movie on my couch.)

And sunday I went to coffee with my parents and came home. That was my week. Hope you guys had a good one. Love you guys!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

french lessons, and little grey kittah comes home.

So Last night I get a lovely text message from the Algerian guy. But it's in French. So I am trying to figure out what it says to no avail. I don't know anyone who could translate it for me except for the marracan guy I used to date and i figure it's in pretty poor taste to ask a guy I used to date to translate a text from a guy I am currently seeing. So I went all day wondering what the heck he was saying to me. When I had the time I found an on-line translator thingy (awsome!) so in case you needed to know the phrase: moi aussi je t'envoie des milliers de bisou! means: I am sending you a thousand kisses. yeah I think he was being sweet and it is sweet don't get me wrong, but we had one date, no need to send a thousand kisses already. save the virtual make- out kisses for like the third or forth date. LOL even if it's through the phone, it's too soon. LOL. But now I found the web site that lets me translate both ways, so I texted him back in french that i would see him on saturday. LOL Thats the best i could give him. But now I have figured out how to talk to him in text in french so I wont be so confused.
I picked up little grey kittah today. She seemd really happy and clingy when I held her in my arms. (I don't like cats though) She meowed a lot too. I'm not sure if she was cursing me for having her girly parts ripped out or cursing me for taking her out of a lovely home that catered to kittahs where she got fat and happy on wet food and was super spoiled. Or maybe she was telling me that she wanted to go home. She didn't want into the carrier Natalia lent me so it was kinda hard to get her in, but I managed to do it with a little help from Rose'd husband. She meowed all the way to my house. I felt so bad. when I got her in the house, i took her to the back yard and her littlest kittens were there. I guess I expected them to have a welcom home mommy banner made, but I guess since they don't have thumbs it was too much to ask. I opened the carrier and she walked out looking like crap. She looked all wet for some reason. She sniffed around and then went under the fence without aknowledging her kittens. Hummm. She must bee really peeved. I took the carrier back inside and noticed it was full of Kittah Pee (i really don't like cats) so I cleaned it out (ewww) She came back under the fence and ate some food and left again. I haven't seen her for a few hours, and I'm kinda worried. (but I don't like cats) I hope she's okay. They notched her ear and she kinda looks like a punk Kittah now. I would have kept her if it wasn't for Clairy (my gender confused bird who makes out with his reflection and only likes my male visitors) I wanted to get a picture of little grey kittah all happy and home in my back yard to post here, but uhhhh, i think I'm on her poop list right now. I hope she will forgive me. Funny thing though, I went to get my mail after I let her go, and there was a cute card from Auntie Elaine saying congrats of getting little grey kittah fixed. LOL I wonder how Auntie gets her timming down to perfection like that! Auntie Elaine haz Skillz! Love you guys.

Sunday, January 18, 2009


this pretty much sums it up.

1st date with david (a.k.a the Algerian guy) and Nate update

Okay I have a bunch of news, okay maybe not a bunch but I actually have some news. i took friday off to take mom and dad to their dorctors appointments. The Doctor had to put them both to sleep for the procedure and they had to fast the night before so they were both cranky and hungry. Theres nothing sadder than hungry parents. It broke my heart so I didn't eat breakfast so I could feel for them too. Their appointment was at 8 a.m. so that meant we had to be there by 7:00. that meant I had to wake up by 5:45 to get to the house to pick em up. So I didnt sleep in ither. I took them into their appointment and the doctors put them next to each other with the i.v. drip. It was kinda cute that they were together. after it was done the doctors called me in and let me sit with them untill they recovered enough that they could walk. I don't mind having to dress my mother, but I do draw the line and having to dress my father, it just isn't cool. So he had to dress himself. My mom ended up dressing herself so that was good too. I took them to dennys right after where we ordered anything we could woulf down, we were all so hungry. Then they wanted coffee. so we went to sujus coffee house. I always expect to see Nate there because my mom saw him there that day I was having coffee with Dale, so knowing that I may run into nate I dressed in somthing cute. ehhh he wasn't there. I haven't seen him since my date with Dale there. I expected to see him there waiting for me, pining away for me and trying to stalk me the cute way he used to. I figured he would be there trying to capture my affections angin and proving his worth and desire to do my bidding.....I guess he didn't get my memo. Dangit! Oh well. i respoded to the e-mail he sent me by telling him, yeah, my feelings were hurt, but I wasn't nice ether when our break up happened. he responded with a call me if you want to hang out message. And when I read that, my thought was why should I call? So i hit the ball back into his court and told him that I think it was his desision if we hang out again because I'm not sure what his scedual is like. I know it sounds kinda dorky, but I just never call guys, I figure if they wanna hang out theyll call, if they don't they wont call, but Hell will freeze over before I call around begging for a date, My pride would never let me do that, plus I have a bevy of fresh men to date at my leasire. If I'm home on a weekend it's usually by choice. Some times I have a date, but I cancel it cuz I don't want to deal with the dorky giggling and awkwardness that first dates bring, or I don't feel social and know I will offend someone because I have p.m.s and the filter we all use on our first few dates isn't operating correctly and I say something mean and spiteful cuz I know I have a week of cramps comming at any givin moment. or sometimes, I don't feel like getting make-up on, and I'm broke or I would rather see and hang out with my friends insted. Plus, I am having so much fun dating a bunch of guys and finding out things I like and dislike in a man. I don't want to repeat the nasty marriage and ugly ex boyfriend mistakes I have made, so it's just better if I date a bunch of guys and try to figure out which one I want to spend more time with, which one I think would eventually make a decent husband, provider and father. which guy has the oddities I can live with and the habbits I can't stand. Sometimes what you think is a cute quark can become annoying a few years down the line. For example, I used to think that the way johnny said ormanents insted of orniments was cute, I used to think that when he said hecolopter insted of helocopter was enduring. After a year or two of hearing it, I wanted to scream and kick him in the shins. I don't want to have to deal with that again. So Anyway, I checked my myspace e-mail and nate responded to my reply of why don't you call me insted with a short sentance, it simply read: "I can't call you, I lost your number, give it to me again." really, numbers don't just fall out of your cell phone dude. I have yet to loose a number that was in my cell phone. Unless he actually lost his phone, my number isn't lost. I think he deleated it and never gave it a thought till he saw me out with Dale. So although I rolled my eyes and was annoyed, I still gave him my number again. I admit it I'm weak. I liked him so much. I still like him. Nate is my kryptonite. My hot, goodlooking, adorable, heartbreaking, bad boy, unemployed, youngster kryptonite. *sigh* Don't say it, I am already discusted with myself *hangs head* what can I do? Im weak and a sucker for a pretty face, strong arms a back full of tattoos and stalking skills that would put anyone in jail for 3 to 5 years. he's on line now and I havent recived an answer to my e-mail yet, nor have I recived a phone call, but like a dorky 10 year old girl I'm waiting by the phone with my fingers crossed. I'm lucky Natalia isn't here to beat some sense into me.

But I did go out with a guy named David tonight. It wasn't exactly a set up, it was more of he is a friend of a friend of a friend thing. I dated a guy a few months back, a fire fighter named Martin. Martin and I only dated once and he was too full of himself to make me like him, only one person in a relationship can be the snobby one and I like it when its me. And boy he was snobby to a degree that made me retch. But we still stayed friends and keep in contact. He was hanging out with his buddies and one of his buddies friend's asked him if he could look at his cell phone pictures. Martin has pictures of fire trucks and fires that he has fought in his phone, so it's pretty interesting to look at. I guess Martin still has a picture of my in his phone for caller i.d. At least thats what martin said. Anyway David was looking though his pics and came accross my picture and asked who I was. martin told him we dated once but now we are just friends. David asked Martin if he would mind if he asked me out. Martin said it wasn't a problem and told him he would text me and ask if I would let Martin give him my number. So Martin texted me on new years and told me that he knew a guy who liked my pic and wanted to have my nuber and ask me out. I texted back my e-mail address insted cuz i want to know more about a guy before I give him my number. So David and I began e-mailing. It was pretty ruff in the begining. His english isn't that great (but I'm used to that) I learned that he is a sucurity gaurd, that he is from algeria and muslim (been there always an issue) He is also going to school at berkley, he's legal (for a change) he speeks french, burber (always thought that was a rug) and aribic and english. He's still learning his way around the english though. Sadly, my french consists of the lyrics to lady marmalde (which is pretty dirty) my burber is non-exsistant (due to the fact I thought it was floor covering and not an actual language) and my aribic is 2 words (both swear word) needless to say when I picked him up from the bart station, it was a alot of pantamimeing and long silences to find the right words on both our parts. It didn't help that when he was searching for an english word for somthing he would mumble in french to him self and that was encredably cute and lets face it dead sexy! he kept trying to teach me french while we were having coffee at sujus. I would watch his full lips form the words and go deaf with distraction, not to mention I have a tounge built for asian languages and english only. It was a mess, we laughed so hard cuz I just couldn't pronounce anything right. It was even funnier when he said he was hungry and I took him to a mexican restraunt, I figured it was only fair since we both don't speek spanish so we were on equal ground. We both ate and enjoyed the food and laughed a lot stumbling over words and slang and double meanigs. It was fun and kinda cute. He was compleatly charming and kissed my hand all through out dinner telling me I was pretty (thank you bare minarals zit concealer! cuz I have like 14 zits right now) it was a little romantic for my taste. But sweet non the less.We still had 3 hours to hang out before the last bart train left for his home, so we came back to my house to watch a movie. I let him pick the movie from my massive collection (hoping he wouldn't pick anything romantic) He picked Hot shots part duex. i figured he picked it cuz duex is the french word for two and it looked like an action flick. I made coffee and we sat on the couch and started to watch it. David thought it was the funniest film he had ever seen. He laughed so hard though the movie. When it was over I had to take him back to the bart station to catch his train home, so I let him borrow the movie to show his algerian room mates and we got into the car and I drove to the bart station. So I dropped him off and I gave him a hug and he gave me a really nice kiss and his lips were suoer soft. *swoon* we promised we would hang out next saturday as well. (side note, it was a kiss on the cheek cuz boys have rancid cooties till your married Boo!) so I am excited that the date was nice and sweet and he was handome and exotic and really fun. and as usual I have a picture. Lets see how long it takes for this one to annoy me so I break it off with him. I gave him a month. i get annoyed easy theese days.

he's kinda skinny, but pretty nice arms, from what I observed.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

one down...eight to go

So I finally got ahold of a person who would help me figure out how to get my kittahs all fixed. her name is Rose and she's awsome. She olny had one spot this week for a cat to be fixed and she wanted me to catch the little grey kitty (the source of all the dang kittens). I was suposed to try last week, but work was a mess, honestly almost none of the staff in my room came to work cuz they were sick or their kids were sick. my week was a nightmare. I also had to go to C.P.R training...again cuz my card had expired and at least one adult per classroom has to be able to give c.p.r. So My week was horrid. I tried catching the cat on wednesday, no luck, never even saw her, tried on thurdays with my mom, she showed up and ran away when I tried to get her. I have a compleate mental break down and sit on the floor crying cuz my week had been so frickin bad and the cat thing wasn't helping and I have a scortching case of p.m.s. Mom promoises me that while I'm at work on friday her and dad would come to my apartment and wait for little grey kitty to show up. I have to give this cat to Rose by saturday cuz the fixing is suposed to happen on sunday. I had zero faith that my parents would catch the right cat. I doomed the whole project and said to forget it, I'll just feed all the kittens that show up and become the crazy cat lady. On friday I get a message from my mom, she says they got the cat and it's the right one. Sure it is I say. i get off work and meet my parents at suju's coffee house to see if it's the right cat. They open the trunk and theres little greay kittah, pissed off but it's her! I was shocked! they really got her. I was so happy. I called rose and we dropped her off at rose's house, along with a bag of cat food. Rose had her fixed on sunday, but found out that she had an infection in her mouth so she has to stay for 10 days till her meds are all finished. Rose said she would keep her for me and help her recover, since I can't have a cat in my house cuz of the lizards and bird. Rose is also lending me traps for the rest of the kittahs so I can get them fixed too. She's awsome. And little grey kitty is doing great, and Rose says she's such a sweet cat that I could adopt her out to someone if I had the time. I hope I do. I pick her up next week so I am gonna ask around to see if anyone at work will take her. But One of the kittahs is fixed! *cheers!* just eight more to

Wednesday, January 7, 2009


So I responded to Nate's e-mail. I pretty much told him that I still horbor feeling for him and that I miss him (yeah I'm weak) But that he hurt my feelings and all that jazz. But so far I haven't heard back from him in any way. No e-mail no text, not even smoke signals. He hasn't checked his myspace since he sent the message, so ither he's affraid of my response, or isn't that interested in it. LOL Oh well. I'll keep you posted.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Nates e-mail to me via my space.

I've been here at sujus for about a couple hours just messing around with my laptop and i was thinking of you. i was pretty inconsiderate to you. i just wanted to say that i am sorry for what i've done and appologize for how mean i was for doing what i did. Honestly i just got scared. No other real way to explain it. I really do miss your company now that I stepped back and think about things with how close we were. If you can find it in you to forgive me it would be something you wouldn't regret. If you don't then tell me what i should do to make things better between us. I left on a bad note when i didn't know what i wanted between us but i know i want you to be chilling with me as I learn what our friendship is about.
This is Dale, Imagine him blinking and bobbing his head, yet washing my dishes. rember nate?...*drool* *sigh* what do I do???????

My man mess

As per usual, I managed to get caught up in another mess involving my cougarness. This time I swear it wasn't my fault. It was just cercomstance. I managed to meet the guy I have mentioned who was my age and had 5 kids and was divorced twice this past friday. His name is Dale. Dale and I had been texting and talking on the phone for about a month and we had arranged for him to drive down from sacremento (2 hour drive) This past Friday so we could meet. He was going to stay at my house (on the couch cuz of the cootie thing) Till sunday. So when he showed up on friday we decided to go out for dinner. We went to red robin which is a restraunt in the mall that has awsome fries. We had a nice dinner and decent conversation even though he blinked a lot and bobbled his head in a way that annoyed the heck outta me. We decided to walk around the mall and look in some stores. Dale kept pulling me into jewerly stores to look at en(gag)ement rings. He kept asking if I liked certin ones and I was sorta freeking out. I mean who takes their date to look at engagement rings when I met him in person only 2 hours before? It was a bit un-nerving to say the least. I finally talked him out of going into the stores and just picking up the flyers they have outside the store for rings. My palms were sweaty and I was shaking I was so creeped out by his intrest to wed me on the first date. He kept buying anything in any store that I stopped to look at and expressed intrest in. I ended up with a lot of crap I dont need or really want. I have to admit, it's nice when I guy buys you stuff, I enjoy my gucchi purse from a.z. but really, why spoil me with gifts when all i reallt want is the cash...LOL any way. We came home and he told me to circle all the rings I liked in the flyers. So I circled the highest priced items and he didn't bat an eyelash (which was hard cuz he blinks a lot) needless to say when It was bed time, I locked my bedroom door and pushed a book shelf infront of it. That night I had nightmares of walking down the asile with a bobble head and 5 little bobble heads behind him. the next day was better, he must have sensed my discomfort with the ring and engagment talk so he didn't mention it. he had made coffee for us, so that was nice. I left him in my house, so he can shower (i wanted to give him privacy and franticlly call my parents with the ring story) and I needed to get mice and crickets for my lizards. When I came back he was dressed and showered and doing the dishes in the sink. hummm okay...then I went back upstairs to feed the lizards and found that he not only made my bed, but hung up the clothes I had laying on my floor.....yeah. I called my mom again and she laughed. We went to suju's coffee house and my parents and dale and I played scrabble, well dale kept score while we played cuz my dad cheats. My mom waved at someone behind me and I turned around to look, but all I saw was the back of a man's shirt and pants. I didn't know who it was. So I asked my mom who it was and she said it was Nate. the dude who in september cut out on me. LOL! I almose peed my pants. I still hold a torch for this youngen, cuz he's sooo dang hot. nate seems to only want to be with me when he knows I am seeing another guy, he has done this to me before when I was on a date and he ran into me and my date and started texing me to tell the guy to go away so me and him can hang out. So I kinda expected to get a text from him or a phone call soon after he was outta eyesight. But nothing ever came of it. So Dale (who didn't know about the situation) and I ended up going to the store to get something to cook for our dinner that night. We came back to my place and he started to cook and I fell asleep on the couch, cuz I'm domesic like that. he woke me up for dinner. he made fajitas and rice. It was exelent, he also fed the cats outside who were desperatly trying to get my attention. after dinner, he did the dishes and ,ade after dinner coffee. he was really trying to impress me, it would have worked if he bobbled less and blinked less. At bed time, I left him watching t.v. and I locked the door and feel asleep. I woke up in the moring to him knocking on my door. It was only 7 a.m on a sunday! ( this is a awful time to be woken up on my vacation) I opened the door with my frizzy hair, bad moring breath and ugly night gown to yell at him, but he was holding coffee and mexican pasteries for me! dangit! I can't even yell at him! he even handed my my daily protonix pill that I need daily for heart burn. I had no reason to complain. And that in itself drove me bonkers! he again did the dishes and got his stuff together, kissed me on the cheek at left by 10:00 a.m. to drive back to sacremento. I stood and stared at the closed door for 15 mins reflecting on how nice he was despite the creepy look at rings thing he was dang near perfect. but the blinking and bobble head thing really gets to me. he texts me good morning and goodnight and all the sweet things a guy should but, again I just dont like him that much. I'm still stck on the whole Nate thing, even though he is way too young for me, I really liked him a lot. And Iliked his family too. But since I hadent heard from him since late september, I gave up on him. I started dating again. So last night I decide to check my e-mails and tagged account and my myspace account, since I hadnt checked on it in a week. Low and behold Nate had left me a message. And there in lies the man mess, Nate wants to reconcile probly cuz he saw me with another guy and Dale is trying to marry me. Not to mention the other guys that I have been meaning to date. So I can take dale: my age, employed, has car, ready made family, blinky bobble head that does chores, but I'm not attracted to. or possably Nate: younger than me, but ohhh so hot, lives close by, employment staus unknown, broke my heart once already, did I mention how hot he is? makes me laugh, no kids but wants them and I adore his family. Or I can continue dating abunch of guys and reject everyone like I have been doing.....and maybe get some cute shoes or free dinners out of it? Mom says keep dating, Karen says go for nate since I haven't stoped pineing for him, Natalia says no nate go for bobble head dale and dad said "huh?" so i don't know what to do......maybe leave the country and change my name to Pandora. I'm going to copy and paste nates e-mail in a blog after this just so you guys know what I'm up against.