Tuesday, January 6, 2009

My man mess

As per usual, I managed to get caught up in another mess involving my cougarness. This time I swear it wasn't my fault. It was just cercomstance. I managed to meet the guy I have mentioned who was my age and had 5 kids and was divorced twice this past friday. His name is Dale. Dale and I had been texting and talking on the phone for about a month and we had arranged for him to drive down from sacremento (2 hour drive) This past Friday so we could meet. He was going to stay at my house (on the couch cuz of the cootie thing) Till sunday. So when he showed up on friday we decided to go out for dinner. We went to red robin which is a restraunt in the mall that has awsome fries. We had a nice dinner and decent conversation even though he blinked a lot and bobbled his head in a way that annoyed the heck outta me. We decided to walk around the mall and look in some stores. Dale kept pulling me into jewerly stores to look at en(gag)ement rings. He kept asking if I liked certin ones and I was sorta freeking out. I mean who takes their date to look at engagement rings when I met him in person only 2 hours before? It was a bit un-nerving to say the least. I finally talked him out of going into the stores and just picking up the flyers they have outside the store for rings. My palms were sweaty and I was shaking I was so creeped out by his intrest to wed me on the first date. He kept buying anything in any store that I stopped to look at and expressed intrest in. I ended up with a lot of crap I dont need or really want. I have to admit, it's nice when I guy buys you stuff, I enjoy my gucchi purse from a.z. but really, why spoil me with gifts when all i reallt want is the cash...LOL any way. We came home and he told me to circle all the rings I liked in the flyers. So I circled the highest priced items and he didn't bat an eyelash (which was hard cuz he blinks a lot) needless to say when It was bed time, I locked my bedroom door and pushed a book shelf infront of it. That night I had nightmares of walking down the asile with a bobble head and 5 little bobble heads behind him. the next day was better, he must have sensed my discomfort with the ring and engagment talk so he didn't mention it. he had made coffee for us, so that was nice. I left him in my house, so he can shower (i wanted to give him privacy and franticlly call my parents with the ring story) and I needed to get mice and crickets for my lizards. When I came back he was dressed and showered and doing the dishes in the sink. hummm okay...then I went back upstairs to feed the lizards and found that he not only made my bed, but hung up the clothes I had laying on my floor.....yeah. I called my mom again and she laughed. We went to suju's coffee house and my parents and dale and I played scrabble, well dale kept score while we played cuz my dad cheats. My mom waved at someone behind me and I turned around to look, but all I saw was the back of a man's shirt and pants. I didn't know who it was. So I asked my mom who it was and she said it was Nate. the dude who in september cut out on me. LOL! I almose peed my pants. I still hold a torch for this youngen, cuz he's sooo dang hot. nate seems to only want to be with me when he knows I am seeing another guy, he has done this to me before when I was on a date and he ran into me and my date and started texing me to tell the guy to go away so me and him can hang out. So I kinda expected to get a text from him or a phone call soon after he was outta eyesight. But nothing ever came of it. So Dale (who didn't know about the situation) and I ended up going to the store to get something to cook for our dinner that night. We came back to my place and he started to cook and I fell asleep on the couch, cuz I'm domesic like that. he woke me up for dinner. he made fajitas and rice. It was exelent, he also fed the cats outside who were desperatly trying to get my attention. after dinner, he did the dishes and ,ade after dinner coffee. he was really trying to impress me, it would have worked if he bobbled less and blinked less. At bed time, I left him watching t.v. and I locked the door and feel asleep. I woke up in the moring to him knocking on my door. It was only 7 a.m on a sunday! ( this is a awful time to be woken up on my vacation) I opened the door with my frizzy hair, bad moring breath and ugly night gown to yell at him, but he was holding coffee and mexican pasteries for me! dangit! I can't even yell at him! he even handed my my daily protonix pill that I need daily for heart burn. I had no reason to complain. And that in itself drove me bonkers! he again did the dishes and got his stuff together, kissed me on the cheek at left by 10:00 a.m. to drive back to sacremento. I stood and stared at the closed door for 15 mins reflecting on how nice he was despite the creepy look at rings thing he was dang near perfect. but the blinking and bobble head thing really gets to me. he texts me good morning and goodnight and all the sweet things a guy should but, again I just dont like him that much. I'm still stck on the whole Nate thing, even though he is way too young for me, I really liked him a lot. And Iliked his family too. But since I hadent heard from him since late september, I gave up on him. I started dating again. So last night I decide to check my e-mails and tagged account and my myspace account, since I hadnt checked on it in a week. Low and behold Nate had left me a message. And there in lies the man mess, Nate wants to reconcile probly cuz he saw me with another guy and Dale is trying to marry me. Not to mention the other guys that I have been meaning to date. So I can take dale: my age, employed, has car, ready made family, blinky bobble head that does chores, but I'm not attracted to. or possably Nate: younger than me, but ohhh so hot, lives close by, employment staus unknown, broke my heart once already, did I mention how hot he is? makes me laugh, no kids but wants them and I adore his family. Or I can continue dating abunch of guys and reject everyone like I have been doing.....and maybe get some cute shoes or free dinners out of it? Mom says keep dating, Karen says go for nate since I haven't stoped pineing for him, Natalia says no nate go for bobble head dale and dad said "huh?" so i don't know what to do......maybe leave the country and change my name to Pandora. I'm going to copy and paste nates e-mail in a blog after this just so you guys know what I'm up against.


Kelsey-boo said...

Wow, i just have phil bugging me to get back together but you are in a real mess. I think maybe you should meet the kids before you decide, if you go with bobble i mean. But other than that it's your call. Who can resist when a guy does all the chores??

The black sheep A.K.A Pandora said...

I kno wright, all the chores were done....it would be like being married to a bobbling maid. LOL

The black sheep A.K.A Pandora said...

I mean I know right....i type too fast. LOL