Wednesday, January 21, 2009

french lessons, and little grey kittah comes home.

So Last night I get a lovely text message from the Algerian guy. But it's in French. So I am trying to figure out what it says to no avail. I don't know anyone who could translate it for me except for the marracan guy I used to date and i figure it's in pretty poor taste to ask a guy I used to date to translate a text from a guy I am currently seeing. So I went all day wondering what the heck he was saying to me. When I had the time I found an on-line translator thingy (awsome!) so in case you needed to know the phrase: moi aussi je t'envoie des milliers de bisou! means: I am sending you a thousand kisses. yeah I think he was being sweet and it is sweet don't get me wrong, but we had one date, no need to send a thousand kisses already. save the virtual make- out kisses for like the third or forth date. LOL even if it's through the phone, it's too soon. LOL. But now I found the web site that lets me translate both ways, so I texted him back in french that i would see him on saturday. LOL Thats the best i could give him. But now I have figured out how to talk to him in text in french so I wont be so confused.
I picked up little grey kittah today. She seemd really happy and clingy when I held her in my arms. (I don't like cats though) She meowed a lot too. I'm not sure if she was cursing me for having her girly parts ripped out or cursing me for taking her out of a lovely home that catered to kittahs where she got fat and happy on wet food and was super spoiled. Or maybe she was telling me that she wanted to go home. She didn't want into the carrier Natalia lent me so it was kinda hard to get her in, but I managed to do it with a little help from Rose'd husband. She meowed all the way to my house. I felt so bad. when I got her in the house, i took her to the back yard and her littlest kittens were there. I guess I expected them to have a welcom home mommy banner made, but I guess since they don't have thumbs it was too much to ask. I opened the carrier and she walked out looking like crap. She looked all wet for some reason. She sniffed around and then went under the fence without aknowledging her kittens. Hummm. She must bee really peeved. I took the carrier back inside and noticed it was full of Kittah Pee (i really don't like cats) so I cleaned it out (ewww) She came back under the fence and ate some food and left again. I haven't seen her for a few hours, and I'm kinda worried. (but I don't like cats) I hope she's okay. They notched her ear and she kinda looks like a punk Kittah now. I would have kept her if it wasn't for Clairy (my gender confused bird who makes out with his reflection and only likes my male visitors) I wanted to get a picture of little grey kittah all happy and home in my back yard to post here, but uhhhh, i think I'm on her poop list right now. I hope she will forgive me. Funny thing though, I went to get my mail after I let her go, and there was a cute card from Auntie Elaine saying congrats of getting little grey kittah fixed. LOL I wonder how Auntie gets her timming down to perfection like that! Auntie Elaine haz Skillz! Love you guys.


Tifa nai-chan said...

hey this is Taniya.
I feel bad for the kitty, i know i would be a bit peeved.

as for the french lessons, my friend speaks french and i may have been able to get it translated for you.

aunt elaine always has great timing. she rocks.

hehe... e-mail me some time! or send me yours.

The black sheep A.K.A Pandora said...

Oh Hey Taniya!!!! I didn't know you had a blog!!! Nice!

Tifa nai-chan said...

yeah, but i don't use it much