Sunday, August 10, 2008

beer pong, breaking dawn, and sailor status

Okay Gilbert still hasn't called me. Ither I really did kill him with my cooking, or he wasn't inpressed with it. It couldn't be me...LOL. I'm so flippin' charming. But I did like him more than the others, Oh well. Guess I can get back to my cougar status.:)

I finished Breaking dawn today. Usually i would have read though the book like my life depended on it, But I was hoping to pace myself to make it last the whole month of August since I have it off. I took at least 2 weeks. I tried so hard to make it last, but I just couldn't. I don't want to say anything about it incase I spoil it for someone out there who is still reading it. But it was good! I guess I have to wait till december 30th for the twilight companion book to come out now. At least the movie comes out December 12 though. I plan to be there like a dork with Natalia, dressed up again like a dork on opening night. Since the movies are NEVER as good as the book, I expect to be disapointed and I plan to pick apart the movie. But I always hope in the back of my mind it will be as good as the book, if not better.

Okay Now for Beer Pong. Apparently Natalia's little brother, Nahuel and his Buddies from high school (whom I date because I am a cougar) made up a game called Beer Pong. They Play this game at their friend Nick's house. Nick is 23 and still lives at home with his parents so there are there at the beer Pong parties. So from what I observed that night, the game is simple enough although I would assume it would have to be simple considering how drunk you get when you play it. You take a long drop leaf table, drop the leafs (leaves? whatever) and fill plastic cups 1/2 way with beer (the cheeper the better) Then you set the cups up like bowling pins on ither side of the table. You get a ping pong ball and you and your opponant (sp?) stand across from one another and bounce the ball into a cup. Now I have seen this game before and it's called quarters, but they seemed so proud of them self for "making up" a game I didn't want to point it out. When a ball falls into a cup your opponant drinks said cup of beer. simple enough right? I thought so too, but then they tossed in a few distractions, like gutair hero playing in the background, hands over cups, pretty girls walking by and shouting, loud music and a pig. yes I said a pig running around. ducks too. Natalia and I cowered in the corner for the most part. I couldn't play because I was the driver for the night (shucky darn) yeah like I was going to drink from a cup that had a ping pong ball in it that just hit the floor where a pig was. Nick's parents hung out with the kids and played along and when one of the guests walked in at 1 a.m. with her 2 year old in tow, no one batted an eyelash except me and Natalia. Maybe it was the straw the broke the camel's back, but really, a 2 year old at a BEER party? What are you kidding me? That was un-acceptable. So naturally I hint at the mother who was all of 17 and knocked up again, that maybe, just maybe her 2 year old would be happier with a baby sitter since he was screaming at the pig and scaring it to death. The mom actually said oh yeah his baby sitter is here and she points to another 17 year old in a 1/2 shirt who is sucking face with Nick. ewwww.

Then I make a run to jack in the box with a few of the guests. we eat in the car and then get back to the party, we were gone all of 10 mins and by the time we had returned natalia had gotten herself into a heated discussion with Nick's dad, the host of the party might I add, about the war in Iraq. Nick's dad is a republican (boo) and Natalia of course is a democrat. they are shouting at each other over the music and it sounds bad. They are arguing right next to a duck filled pond it the front yard. The visions in my head of the near furture looked bleek, wet and smelled of duck poop. Duck poop smell that may have to ride in my car. It's now 3:32 in the morning and I am beat. Natalia is fighting with the host, most of the beer pong loosers are passed out the ones who won are making out and me and the pig decide to hang out for a bit. His name is Andy. He's pretty cool. I hauled natalia away from the impending poop swim and tell her it's time to go. I get her home by 4:00 I get to my place at 4:45. I wake up to a text from our pal Nick, he asked if we are up for Beer pong again on friday........duhhh yeah we are so there.
This is Andy the Beer Pong Pig. and my new friend.:)
Me Feeding Andy a carrot. he was awsome.
Part of the mess, that I Don't have to clean up!
Natalia NOT laughing at this guy who tried to hit on her all night.


Meemer said...

that sounds...interesting. i like the pig. maybe he'd fit in with our chickens?

i gotta say though, i really didn't like the book.

and shame on that sailor for not calling you...

The black sheep A.K.A Pandora said...

Ehhh, I'll get over the sailor guy, I have too many to worry about him. LOL I did adore the pig. and dang the book was great! I wish she would keep the series going like anne rice did. Oh wait she stopped too, never mind. LOL

The black sheep A.K.A Pandora said...

shoot, side note, apparently Beer Pong isn't made up, I found a wb site describing it. I guess thats where the guys figured out how to play. LOL