Saturday, August 9, 2008

Uhhh huh?

Dude, hot Navy guy Gilbert hasn't called me in 3 days. I don't know what happened. My mom thinks I killed him with my rancid cooking.....what if I did? I don't want to call him because I am a big stubbron mule and want to stick to my saying "alison doesn't call boys, boys call alison." Maybe I did scare him off with my cooking. what if he had bubble guts and the green apple splatters all day and is trying to recover? I mean I know I haven't had to cook in a few years, but most of what I made him hadden't expired too long ago. It should still be okay, I ate the same thing and I'm fine. Plus he had navy food for 20 years, his taste buds should be non-exsistant and his stomach cast iron by now. I should be able to feed him rotten liver in a dirty ashtray and he would like it. navy food isn't fit for prisoners! Crap....what do I do? what does it mean? I swear I never farted around him....that I know of. hummmm


Meemer said...

i don't know what it means. too bad you can't be all jr. high and send him a note. "mark the yes box if you like me" it would be so much easier huh?

Meemer said...

oh and keep us updated

The black sheep A.K.A Pandora said...

OHHH....I never thought of that! LOL I should send him a note. LOL It was so much easier back then. Oh well. still haven't heard from him. Maybe I did kill him with my cooking. LOL